Cortesía de Equipo Jaime Bendersky Arquitectos |
The World Expos celebrated around the world are large meetings that aim to raise awareness of the characteristics and potential of each participating country. Under the theme "Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life" , the Milan Expo 2015 was held from May 1 to October 31, 2015 in Milan, Italy. Following the same approach , the architects Jacques Herzog , Mark Rylander , Ricky Burdett, Stefano Boeri and William McDonough designed a conceptual master plan consisting of an agricultural park leaving spaces to be designed by the organization, and other voids. These will be occupied by each participating country through the construction of a pavilion that aims to convey the qualities and advantages of its territory, its people , a powerful image of their identity and of course, its architecture . While these are temporary exhibitions , many of its pavilions endure over time becoming milestones and benchmarks of architectural design innovation .
Last week we showed them the project of architect Cristián Undurraga , who through a public competition to design the flag represent Chile in Milan Expo 2015 was awarded . Today , we present the proposals were part of the competition and received honorable mentions , the Panorama offices and Jaime Bendersky Arquitectos Architects , along with a special project presented by Albert Tidy , Christopher Riffo , Philip and Ken Yan Qiu Grallert mention.
Reviews proposals and architects description below.
Team: Gabriel Bendersky Assael , Richard von Moltke Cornils , Tirapeguy Nicolas Ibáñez, Juan Pablo Morales Córdova
Collaborators: Alvaro Duran Contreras , Esteban Santana Mayol
Structural Engineer: Enzo Valladares Pagliotti Thomas Guendelman Bedrack (consultant)
Courtesy of Team Jaime Bendersky Arquitectos
Exposing Chile from diversity concepts , purity and modernity , motivates us to think about our GEOGRAPHY , as the element able to relate these ideas. Indeed , the only length of our rugged thin strip of land , allows that we have a huge " diversity climate " . Latitude Latitude after both the mainland and insular Chile, different climates provide us with the finest raw materials and our geographical barriers - mountains - sea and ensure the "purity" of these. Regional geography affects human life , determining a kind of " human diversity " own wit and wisdom , which allowed suit and rugged - times hostile territory , generating techniques and varied customs , where it is sustainable reflection of our " modernity." The combined result of these factors is a rich, diverse , austere and concerned about the environment , natural foods capable of producing the highest quality of life and the world country.
Conceptual Proposal:
"Chile, coexistence of contrasts "
Courtesy of Team Jaime Bendersky Arquitectos
Description of architects. Taking advantage of the apparent coincidence of the long and narrow proportion of our territory with the proportions Lot S -34, Chile intend to present to the world by a large unitary and linear space , which is contained and protected by elements that symbolize our natural barriers , geographic and demographic . "Great Chilean food fair open to the world " , drivable along its length and which coexist within the diversity and contrast of flavors of our country. Inspired neighborhood fairs , it is proposed that this allegorical space , plus an exhibition stand , is in itself a multi - sensory experience. There is no better way to expose the diversity and purity of our earth, immersing the visitor on a journey of tastes, sights , smells and sounds endogenous .
Architectural proposal :
Courtesy of Team Jaime Bendersky Arquitectos
• Volumetric : It is required that the surface canopy cover does not exceed 50 % of the total area of the lot S -34 . We propose to divide land by its diagonal , which separates the middle building with the neighboring Lot S -35 . This corner formed by the Decumanus and the side street that leads to the Theatre is released. The objective of breaking the " orthogonal " master plan , is to provoke a counterpoint , calling attention to the Chilean flag and present it as an allegorical tribute MILESTONE ... our " geographical landmarks "
• symbolic elements that make up the space : Understanding GEOGRAPHY as being able to relate the concepts themselves the conceptual discourse , it is proposed that the material and spatial processing base titration , is the synthesis of architectural elements that symbolize the one hand the territory and on the other its inhabitants . In relation to the territory propose three elements : Ocean , Land and Cordillera . Like the sea, the open space is transformed into a body of water , which acts as a high horizontal bar on the street level to enhance the presence of the main facade. Within the space prevails a large volume of copper, which refers to the mineral wealth of the mountains, our vertical wall. Amid both " natural barriers " , an inclined base coated in volcanic stone , symbolizing the " floor " and its tectonic condition, its telluric nature appears .
Courtesy of Team Jaime Bendersky Arquitectos
Such territorial elements are arranged longitudinally, realizing the geographical latitude; however, we believe that Chile is not complete without a fourth element that symbolizes its inhabitants. An envelope consists of 205 frames of cardboard , 205 cuts symbolize the territory (age of the Republic of Chile in 2015 ) . This "demographic latitude surrounding the territory " is materialized by a summation of similar plates but variable in shape , forming a permeable skin. The length of the flag is modulated according to the length of Chile , so take each frame inscribed with the name of the town to which it corresponds by latitude; metaphorically , population skin is a reflection of our country.
• Chile constructed Chile : This project proposes that each part of the " demographic skin " is prefabricated by local people represented . That means an interesting and unprecedented promotional strategy of participation and ownership of the pavilion, which unites all of Chile and their communities.
Courtesy of Team Jaime Bendersky Arquitectos
• Technical and economic sustainability Considerations : It is important to note that besides being a prefabricated building easy to move , assemble and disassemble , it is also a pavilion with a cardboard envelope never seen before . The materials chosen to symbolize the territory are natural and durable materials , however the demographic cardboard skin speaks of the ephemeral, the perishable , economic and environmental consciousness that characterizes the Chilean modernity. He has been thinking organically , with a light supporting structure based on recycled steel and a shell of biodegradable cardboard , which also allows ventilate and illuminate naturally, being an austere pavilion energy consumption ... a ductile , economic building sustainable.
Exhibition tour and program: three forms of " Feeling Chile and contrasts " are proposed ; expository unitary sample but also may be segmented into three types of supplementary routes:
Courtesy of Team Jaime Bendersky Arquitectos
- a) " tour at sea level " lower level of the stone plinth that contain informative, historical and / or museum , with rooms for exhibitions and shows services .
- b ) " path to ground level, the great exhibition open to the world " , intermediate and main space of the sample, like Chile, is a continuous space and inhabited hillside, where you can taste all the food produced Chilean from north to south .
- c ) " I travel to Andean level," the next level (mineral volume of copper ) containing a multisensory and immersive experience , within which you can feel the temperature , wind, smells, sounds and images of each of the areas described in reference story.
Team: Nicolás Valdés , Constanza Hagemann, R. Matias Gonzalez (FG Architects )
Industrial Design : Patrick Cristobal Parada Parada and K. H.
Structural Calculation : Rafael J. Gatica
Sculptor: Francisco Gazitúa
Contributors : Julia Antunez , Laliena Luis , Luis Abengozar
Courtesy of Team Panorama Architects
Our innovative and emotional pavilion has the ability to contain the diversity in a system of media exposure through an instinctive and simple, capable of expressing purity in a design that challenges the established circuit oriented modernity .
The pavilion is a two- ramps continuous interlocking between the steel shell - pillars and painted wooden wall of dark - and Fruit - ellipsoidal dome inverted crystal structure and stereometric volume elliptical -timber plants native of glass and a slow rise around the idea of the seed, where we will unveil the variety and richness exposed in the expansion of our Chile, "the plural thing on the planet" , perched on a vast Pacific Ocean - water platform at ground - level , rich life , fueling the planet, energy for life .
Courtesy of Team Panorama Architects
Where ... are invited to visit it , seducing the ascent , walking on the sea , hidden audio, hear murmur , crossing valleys, feel the rain , listen to the wind , rivers , walk to ascend the mountain and touch the constellated heaven , through the rhythm of the endless orchards, climb a hill and shines through all the vertices and then find the opposite , track and down in a sea Pacific No ramp.
This tour begins and ends in the sea, the 4 zones that invite you to discover our territory are characterized . On this tour the necessary balance between the environment and the livelihoods that invite reflection occurs .
Courtesy of Team Panorama Architects
-1 : Area of innovation and experimentation ( Ova ), 2 : area information and exhibition (Expo ), 3 : Throughout the tour and narrow ramps flag uses developed area to gather and collect (Restaurant, Shop , of) and 4: care and feeding area ( Terrace Crop ) - parts that allow us to deepen our roots and spirit of what is Chile.
Courtesy of Team Panorama Architects
The Ova is the beginning of the route , the space experience Chile. An audiovisual lounge suspended over the water , which breaks with the conventional model of sample space and proposing an inverted transparent space . Space to walk in the air on a curved surface, to feel the vertigo , covered by a total projection on the sky to observe a set of images that are intertwined and combined as measures of a musical structure over our heads.
The culmination of the course high tension frame , a piece of traditional cultivated field , vineyards, their shadows screened ; terrace cultivation and gazebo, with the city of Milan as background.
Team: Albert Tidy , Christopher and Philip Riffo Grallert
Contributor: Ken Yan Qiu
Courtesy of Tidy Team + + Riffo Grallert
The issue before the next World's Fair of 2015 : " Feeding the Planet / Energy for Life " is doomed to global concerns associated with growing energy and food by the world's population, whose origin lies in the progressive industrialization societies, the population growth and increasing urbanization and sustained product of rural-urban migration.
Chile before a country is a landscape. That is the image which is projected to the world , but not like a particular landscape , but as the sum of remote landscapes and various compounds for a plurality of soils, climates floras and faunas ; that have given rise to different cultures but unitary in geopolitical terms. In this sense we could say that Chile is a country - container identity.
Courtesy of Tidy Team + + Riffo Grallert
The Pavilion and Instructions:
The world's fairs pavilions bring together , through the use and abuse of architecture, try to capture the visitor's interest . The sum result as a formal jungle porn, structural acrobatics and illusions results . Given the saturation of those objects - show, the formal restraint and plastic silence appear as a possibility of differentiation by contrast.
This neglects the interpretation of a country through stereotypical operations to open a universe of cultural representation on an abstract , synthetic and unequivocal language. A hermetic , mysterious and accurate, volume is associated with concepts of austerity , synthesis, timelessness and modernity.
Courtesy of Tidy Team + + Riffo Grallert
Wood as a single item:
You opt for wooden sole and dominant material , since it is a renewable natural resource that identifies Chile. Its expression is associated with constructive ideas on the use of technology resources through connections , rolling and sections that lead him to limit thicknesses. The differentiation between the inside and the outside are established by the natural color of the inhabitable areas and black dye as outer expression , referring to the cortex , generally a darker color.
Axonometric Atmospheres
By using a single section of 100mmx400mm in locked disposition , - panel module 4m x 5.5 m , capable of solving integrally set vertical faces . Horizontal surfaces meanwhile, takes 14mm lights beamed locked to vertical panels of 100mmx400mm section .
Continuous height of 5.5m from the dominant ship is interrupted by 17m tall prisms containing the most relevant exhibition spaces , which will be detailed later .
Axonometric Operation
The pavilion as Container:
In the context of a world's fair pavilion is expected to be a container of amazing things that characterize a given country. It is precisely that which generates interest and expectation discover , but there is a risk of falling into clichés or crude caricatures .
The proposed project consists of a container of sensory experiences ( evocative ) woven into a geographic intense and powerful story. South - Using olfactory , lighting , wind resources and sensory atmospheres pregnantes conceptually associated to a particular geographical , landscape and cultural territory of Chile, organized northbound . Thus, Hall seeks the sum of experiences as a thread.
Conceptual Tour Chile :
Within the inner journey , 4 dramatized moments in vertical interior spaces that , in sum , write a story and realize a heterogeneous country, rich in resources and biodiversity are set . This story, translated into sensory experiences , places value our land as a nature reserve in the world and as a privileged territory resources to generate clean, renewable energy .
Source : aerchdaily.mx