HE Mr Robert Fillon, Commissioner General of the Pavilion of Monaco, welcomed the contribution of this artist's work charred trees, additional awareness of environmental issues.
mercredi 31 décembre 2014
The Pavillon Monaco in beauty..
The Monegasque artist Philippe Pastor has been selected by Monaco Inter Expo to decorate the area around the Monaco Pavilion at Expo 2015 Milano.
mardi 30 décembre 2014
What's new about Austria pavilion ?
Planting season has started! Check out pictures of the first trees for the Austrian pavilion in Milan :
vendredi 26 décembre 2014
News... official website for pavilion of Serbia
Now avalaible !
Welcome to Serbia
Serbia is a country of many contrasts. The endless plains of Pannonia, fertile river valleys, the orchard-covered hills of Sumadija and magnificent mountains with green pastures, contrasting with large, bustling cities and different nationalities all in a relatively small space. This is the best way to describe Serbia, as well as her cuisine, a great mix of the culinary art of the region, combining numerous variations that fit together perfectly, making Serbian cuisine imaginative, rich and full of different flavors.
Its geographical location and climatic conditions created good preconditions for economic development, the movement of people and flow of information and capital. Thanks to the availability of natural resources and their successful use as a direct prerequisite for economic, social and all other prosperity, Serbia has grown over time into the socio-political, scientific and sports center in the region, a multi-cultural center of art – a big “melting pot”, which in the best way illustrates the cultural and ethnic diversity of the entire Western Balkan region.
In Serbia nowadays, the notion of a better life is not just a clean environment, healthy food and orderly social life, it is much more. It’s a hedonistic vision that unites culture, sport and excellent food, inevitably accompanied by a good time.
The present-day modern Serbia integrates multicultural and multiethnic diversity with the concept of sustainable development and modern technology, in new contemporary urban forms that continue to develop and shape so that its residents, and also those who come to Serbia for the first time, are offered a unique sense of tradition served in a modern way.
After all, Serbia is rightly called “the big barn,” and can boast of expanses of rich farmland soil whose quality results in high yields. This must be emphasized as one of Serbia’s greatest potentials, and an opportunity for foreign investors in this area to quickly gain a return on their invested capital through the implementation of new technology.
More details about Serbian participation to Expo 2015 Milano :
Welcome to Serbia
Serbia is a country of many contrasts. The endless plains of Pannonia, fertile river valleys, the orchard-covered hills of Sumadija and magnificent mountains with green pastures, contrasting with large, bustling cities and different nationalities all in a relatively small space. This is the best way to describe Serbia, as well as her cuisine, a great mix of the culinary art of the region, combining numerous variations that fit together perfectly, making Serbian cuisine imaginative, rich and full of different flavors.
Its geographical location and climatic conditions created good preconditions for economic development, the movement of people and flow of information and capital. Thanks to the availability of natural resources and their successful use as a direct prerequisite for economic, social and all other prosperity, Serbia has grown over time into the socio-political, scientific and sports center in the region, a multi-cultural center of art – a big “melting pot”, which in the best way illustrates the cultural and ethnic diversity of the entire Western Balkan region.
In Serbia nowadays, the notion of a better life is not just a clean environment, healthy food and orderly social life, it is much more. It’s a hedonistic vision that unites culture, sport and excellent food, inevitably accompanied by a good time.
The present-day modern Serbia integrates multicultural and multiethnic diversity with the concept of sustainable development and modern technology, in new contemporary urban forms that continue to develop and shape so that its residents, and also those who come to Serbia for the first time, are offered a unique sense of tradition served in a modern way.
After all, Serbia is rightly called “the big barn,” and can boast of expanses of rich farmland soil whose quality results in high yields. This must be emphasized as one of Serbia’s greatest potentials, and an opportunity for foreign investors in this area to quickly gain a return on their invested capital through the implementation of new technology.
More details about Serbian participation to Expo 2015 Milano :
Also on Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/serbiaexpomilano2015
mercredi 24 décembre 2014
mardi 23 décembre 2014
History - French pavilion at the Columbian 1893 Exposition of Chicago #1
North Front of the French Building
The French building at the Exposition consisted, practically, of two parts connected by an semi-circular colonnade. Of these the one to the north, a facade of which appears in the illustration, was the larger and more important.
Built in the Renaissance style and richkly decorated, it was a beautiful object in its conspicious position at the junction of the main eat and west thoroughfare across the grounds and the lake front promenade.
A large and exceedingly graceful group of statuary, reprensenting "Liberty, Equality and Fraternity", was a prominent feature of the decoration of the front here shown, and is well presented in the illustration.
In front of the group a splendid lion lay on guard, and all the adjuncts architecturally were such as to complete the fine effect.
On other sides of the exterior of this avilion were paintings representing historical events in French history, and inside was the main room of the entire structure, the one named after Lafayette. Here were the chief historical relics exhibited. There were a bureau from Lafayette's library, the sword of honor presented to that gallant leader by the American Congress in 1779, and other articles of curious interest.
All the sketches for the building were made in France, and models of the statuary were sent from that country.
Azerbaijan pavilion... always very interesting to follow the construction...
The last pics from the Azerbaijan pavilion in Milano... at 130 days from the Expo !!
Libellés :
Expo 2015 Milano,
Expo WorkSite,
lundi 22 décembre 2014
Expo Milano 2015: Belvedere in città 22/12/2014 #14 !!!
Dal Decumano a Palazzo Italia. Il cantiere Expo Milano
2015 via drone. Per maggiori informazioni sulle singole aree di
cantiere, viabilità, sostenibilità e sicurezza www.expocantiere.expo2015.org
Libellés :
Expo 2015 Milano,
Expo WorkSite,
dimanche 21 décembre 2014
Inside the pavilion of Germany... project
Pics courtesy Milla & Partner / SCHMIDHUBER
To learn more about the German pavilion WebSite :
samedi 20 décembre 2014
German pavilion in Video... Magic pavilion !
The German pavilion “Fields of Ideas” will present new and surprising solution ideas from Germany for the food of the future true to the Expo motto “Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life”. In doing so, it will present an open, sympathetic and humorous image of Germany.
Libellés :
Expo 2015 Milano,
vendredi 19 décembre 2014
History - Russia at the World Columbian Exposition, Chicago 1893

One of the largest and most imposing pavilions in the Manufactures and Liberal Arts Buildings is that of Russia. It occupies a space nearly an acre in area, and in its construction shows a skill and a degree of artistic talent not generally suspected of the people of that country.
The location is near the south end of building.
There are a number of entrances but the main one is at the north corner, where it adjoins on Columbia avenue the Belgian pavilion.
This entrance is formed of a scroll-like arch cut into the base of a loft and picturesque tower. Along Columbia avenue is the main facade, an elaborately ornamentend and extremly artistic front, having an average heigh of seventy-five feet. Russia has a number of rich exhibits at the Fair, the total value of all being about a half million dollars.
That in the Mines and Mining Building is perhaps the most valuable, as there are displayed a rare collection of diamonds and other precius stones.
In this pavilion are to be seen some wonderful paintings and groups of statuary which can but give the Northern Empire the credit of being far advanced in the field of the fine arts.
The prominent features of this exhibit, however, are display of fine silks, some beautifully carved furniture and a very considerable array of jewelry and precious stones.
Furs are of course a conspicuous product, and scattered about in a sort of sumptuous profusion are skins of great value, those of the dainty sable and the priceless ermine setting off that of the national bear.
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world Columbian Exposition
mercredi 17 décembre 2014
Pavillon Monaco... also on PINTEREST !
Welcome to the official account of Pavillon Monaco at Expo 2015 Milano...
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Expo 2015 Milano,
mardi 16 décembre 2014
Austria pavilion... the Twitter account
Offical Twitter feed of the Austrian pavilion at Expo 2015 Milano :
AUSTRIA From 1 May to 31 October 2015 Milan will be playing host to the next World’s Fair. The theme of the EXPO 2015 is “FEEDING THE PLANET. ENERGY FOR LIFE”. Organisers are expecting around 20 million visitors and 147 participants have already registered (status April 2014). The event sees itself as a call to humankind, organisations and nations to tackle the global challenges of the future and to offer solutions across borders. The challenge for Austria is to present its cultural identity, societal perspectives and economic performance to an audience that can be reasonably supposed to have a concrete image of our country.
AUSTRIA From 1 May to 31 October 2015 Milan will be playing host to the next World’s Fair. The theme of the EXPO 2015 is “FEEDING THE PLANET. ENERGY FOR LIFE”. Organisers are expecting around 20 million visitors and 147 participants have already registered (status April 2014). The event sees itself as a call to humankind, organisations and nations to tackle the global challenges of the future and to offer solutions across borders. The challenge for Austria is to present its cultural identity, societal perspectives and economic performance to an audience that can be reasonably supposed to have a concrete image of our country.
Pavillon Monaco -> Hard Work !
Here's a few pics from Pavillon Monaco...
The first, from the sky, thanks to the drone of Tim4Expo !!
The first, from the sky, thanks to the drone of Tim4Expo !!
The second pic, from Pavillon Monaco Ing. Giorgio Valle !
Libellés :
Expo 2015 Milano,
Expo WorkSite,
Giorgio Valle,
Expo Milano 2015: Belvedere in città 15/12/2014 #13 !!!
Dal Decumano a Palazzo Italia. Il cantiere Expo Milano
2015 via drone. Per maggiori informazioni sulle singole aree di
cantiere, viabilità, sostenibilità e sicurezza www.expocantiere.expo2015.org
Libellés :
Expo 2015 Milano,
Expo WorkSite,
Social Media and Spain pavilion... Facebook !
lundi 15 décembre 2014
History - Spain at Expo 2010 Shanghai
The pavilion is shaped basket vine, reconciling the taste of ancient and innovation. The steel frame supports the entire structure and facades are decorated with vine. The sun penetrates through the slots in the vine.
There are three exhibition spaces respectively entitled "Origin", "City", "Children". There, visitors will believe in the streets of Spain and wonder at the brilliant history, wisdom and innovation of the Spanish people.
- The 8524 Wicker boards of various colors on the pavilion of the facades form many Chinese characters by calligraphic art to compose a Chinese poem.
- The Spanish artists perform demonstrations of Flamenco.
- The Pavilion restaurant, seating 300, offers real food of Spain.
The 21-foot tall animatronic “baby Miguelín” welcomes visitors to Spain’s pavilion, whose theme is “From the City of Our Parents to the City of Our Children.”
Now the Website for Spain pavilion...
Many important information to discover on Spanish pavilion website :
Spain pavilion... the LOGO !
History - The Pavilion of Poland, in the Exposition of Decorative Arts in Paris 1925
Photo Gaël Limpalaer http://vestiges-expositions.fr.gd/
In the gardens of the Polish Embassy in Paris is a remnant of the Decorative Arts Exposition in Paris in 1925. He is the statue "Rytm" by Henryk Kuna, which was presented in the pavilion of Poland, Cours-la-Reine, near the Place de la Concorde.

Here are some additional information on this statue and the pavilion, thanks to information from the magazine "Art et Decoration" in 1925:
In the art of world nations too uniform, I would almost standardized by modern life that is becoming increasingly international, Polish art retains a freshness and color that are his own.
Whether the Polish national pavilion erected on the Cours-la-Reine, interiors exposed to the Invalides, products of folk art grouped at the Grand Palais mezzanine, various art objects gathered here or to the class of Education, found everywhere deep marks of the genius of a race which, placed at the crossing point in Europe of Eastern and Western influences, was able to draw from these crosses a particular style, a strictly Polish style.
Pavilion court of the Polish Republic
Marble statue by Henry Kuna - Wall Art by A. Jastrzebowski.
Marble statue by Henry Kuna - Wall Art by A. Jastrzebowski.
Poland has managed to keep it intact during its turbulent history, and since the war, seen safely undergo the most modern influences, even those of Cubism, without losing its original flavor.
The Polish national pavilion is the best example we can give of how to combine and blend these influences.
Pavilion court of the Polish Republic
Marble statue by Henry Kuna.
Marble statue by Henry Kuna.
The marble statue of Henri Kuna who from the threshold, symbolizes the rhythm in art, stained glass Joseph Mehoffer intended to Warsaw Cathedral, illuminating the two side rooms after the vestibule decorating octagonal honor based on beautiful wooden carved oak columns, murals Sophie Stryjenska who expressed with wonderful intensity Polish life unfolding through the twelve months of the year, the woodwork of this room executed by the famous school Zapokane finally the workroom and lounge designed to serve as an official character, with furniture, bronzes, its upholstery fabrics and drapery, its copper objects (lamps and wall) and decorative tapestries all this is a perfect set that might have absolved Poland from any further participation in the Exhibition.
Current trends of his art clearly read it.
Pavilion of the Polish Republic
Architecture of Joseph Czajkowski - Paintings by Sophie Stryjenska.
Bench designed by Charles Sryjenski executed by Martens and Daab - Wood executed by Rudolph brothers.
Architecture of Joseph Czajkowski - Paintings by Sophie Stryjenska.
Bench designed by Charles Sryjenski executed by Martens and Daab - Wood executed by Rudolph brothers.
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