Even if it will be not the case in 2015, the Canada was proudly in Milano for the World Expo in 1906.
The great Canadian pavilion, which opened its doors to the World Expo 1906 in Milan is the affirmation of the powerful energy of a country to the fantastic development through miraculous progress enjoying privileged natural conditions.
Even for those who have followed this rapid change, the rich productions that Canada has in the Exhibition of Milan, are an incredible surprise for visitors, a huge field of study and findings.
The vast area of Canada, which includes much of the American continent north of the United States, almost equal to that of Europe (1906) entire area, and looks like a fairyland in which he there is still much to do.
Canadian Soil, virgin of the human hand and favored by centuries of rest, promotes the production. It's likely to save the use of fertilizers and limit human efforts.
La production du Canada a d'ailleurs dépassé celle de la Russie, et connait une immigration de plus en plus spectaculaire.
Between the last half of 1894 and first half of 1895, more than 146 000 new colonists settled on different banks of Canada, then dispersing in the four confederated provinces of Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.
Almost all of these immigrants came from Britain and its colonies, only a small minority from the United States.
Large expanses of Canada offer hospitality to a large number of new residents. The government offers many grants of land with the full freedom of use. The excellent climate all territories of the country explains the growing influx every year, new foreign farmers, who settled in the promised land.
Anyone wishing to cultivate land in the areas of the west, receives a farm of 160 acres. Very favorable conditions are even granted for the purchase of the best soils in Ontario and Quebec.
Farmers are almost all own the land they cultivate.
Regular trains facilitate trade and transport goods to ports on the Atlantic or Pacific, the two oceans that surround Canada.
The democratic form of government and full freedom of worship enjoyed by people justify the preference of migrants to the Confederation of the North.

The Canada Pavilion contains collections and interesting samples of Canadian production, although it may seem a less rich with its architectural aspect!
It is a mark of American contempt for all that is aesthetic or decorative too ... it has to be useful and practical.
The pavilion, very straight and very schematic is a large building, roughly covered with zinc plates painted white.
But the most surprising and enjoyable is inside, a sumptuous all great and solemn.
On either side of the central hall, lit by skylights, there are many food stands, like chapels, like niches of the Latin churches.
The decoration was performed using red fabric on which stand large garlands of maize, cereals and dried straw fantastic columns.
Between these columns are the oil paintings reproducing the beautiful landscapes, vast grasslands, forests dark and lush and beautiful women of endless lands of Canada.
Above the arches of the stands, there are trophies and multicolored flags to complete the decoration of the columns, and strange and original capitals, heads of deer, mountain goats and many other animals, are rich native wildlife.

Next to the entrance exposure of forest products is. A long row of trunks veined and compact trees show the richness, variety and excellent quality of the plantations.
Cedars and pines of Canada are presented with a very nice aesthetic, and have a really great size for us.
Opposite the entrance of the pavilion is a pine trunk two feet in diameter. Originally, this pine was 3.84 meters in diameter at the base and 61 meters high, above the arrow of the Cathedral of Milan.

It is the pine Goliath of present, past and future.
A peculiar type of plant which produces the wood pulp used for papermaking. It is a very popular variety in Canada, where there is also a research department working for the biggest paper mills in the world.
Then, it's the exposure of treated wood and processed the boards with bright colors; ready to become the art furniture, floors with cutouts and patterns of genius, and of course, thousands of everyday items.
The curiosity of the public, in this elegant and very American environment is particularly drawn to the exposure of fruits, rich and extraordinarily attractive by the sweet scent that emerges. Women and children flock there, but are unfortunately not allowed to enjoy these tasty Canadian productions. Damn brass railings on which arise as small hands of children, eager to reach these tempting apples.
Regions of orchards in Canada reached approximately 3% of the total cultivated area, a very high proportion compared to that of Europe. The soil of Canada is particularly favorable to the cultivation of a wide variety fruits.
For example, for the year 1903
Apples: 21,900,000 kg
Pears 212 734 kg
Fisheries: 219956
Plums 223 149 kg
Cherries 134 100 kg
Grapes: 106 931 538 kg
Berries in: 10 585 787 kg
Various fruits: 144 234 kg
The large fruit production in Canada and the benefits it provides are to the credit of the government that has adopted a strict inspection law fruits, culture boarding for fear of the greed of private speculators. These provisions are so wise which will be adopted by other American governments, who are just starting to plant fruit trees, as in Canada.
Apples of Canada are admirable and justly famous.
As for grapes, despite many initial difficulties, found a remarkable development on soils. From 1891 to 1901, the harvest rose from 5 to 10 million pounds, and production is increasing.
Making liqueurs gives excellent results. England, strong consumer of alcoholic beverages, imports many liqueurs of Canada.
Also, various fruit syrups are manufactured on a large scale, taking advantage of the abundance of raw materials.
A significant proportion of fruit production is found in cans with bright colors, and sizes. They are shipped to Europe and America less productive regions. The charming drawings on colored boxes are as pretty as the inside is good, is another attraction for young visitors.
The great wealth of Canada, the secret of its prosperity and its recent evolution is mainly due to its large agricultural industry, widely established over vast areas of fertile land makes it very easy culture.