mardi 3 juin 2014

Italy pavilion project...

The Italian participation at Expo 2015 is being organized in the area of the Thistle, one of the two perpendicular axes, which, together with Decuman, the grid structure of the master plan of Expo Milano 2015.

Italy Palace : a natural architecture
The architectural design of Nemesis & Partners interprets the theme of Expo Milano 2015 " Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life " , declined according to the particular characteristics of Italian Identity , which has always identified with the energy that comes from being together, which means friendship, community, hospitality : the energy of the community is represented by the central square covered with Italian Palace, the symbolic heart and start of the exhibition .

In addition, the identity of the community in Italy is closely related with the shape of the landscape , natural and man-made. The draft is an Italian Palazzo experiential story where the visitor gets lost in contact with an architecture - landscape full of trails full of visual suggestions and luminous vibrations .

The massing of the building project alive and interactive architecture , able to exchange energy with the outside world.

The concept of tree - forest takes shape in fact also thanks to the development of technological solutions, plant and energy that make the building an osmotic organism with the environment, with which it interacts and exchanges energy through multiple forms , to from the cover - glass window photovoltaic canopy , built on a geometric pattern that favors innovative soft lines and curves, which capture solar energy and contributes to the definition of the microclimate of the square below.

Italian palace is in its way a " Natural Architecture ", in which poetic experimentation in design and technology merge, creating a spectacular body, and sustainable energy.

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