mardi 7 avril 2015

History - Moroccan pavilion at Expo 1958 Brussels - Belgium

"Link between the East and the West..." So that Morocco had found itself defined; it is for this reason that it's working with the theme of the Expo.

In a deliberately traditional architecture surrounded by Moorish gardens, this pavilion evokes an oriental palace. It was actually a "kouba" square base building, covered at twenty meters in height with a pyramidal roof with green tiles. The monumental entrance was a replica of the famous Nejjarine door of Fes of the ancient University of al-Qarawiyyin.

Let yourself be taken by the exotic charm of the furnishings:  made according to centuries-old methods by native artisans.

On the first floor, a light and sound diorama made you more about Fez, religious and intellectual capital of Morocco, and the University Al Quaraouiyine.

Witnesses to the ancient culture of the country were there too, offered to visitors admiration of the XIIth century manuscripts, maps of the XVIth, sculpture fragments, etc...

In the many showrooms, the today Morocco appears, you can discover the country through its geographical, human, social and economic ...

And finally, your travel information is also a tourist aspect, a shopkeeper picturesque center, the "Kissaria" put at your disposal the infinite range of products of a flourishing craft, while in the restaurant and in a typical Moroccan coffee were offered for your appetite put the finest of gastronomic art may be too little known to you...

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