mardi 30 septembre 2014

The construction of the Hungarian “Garden of Life” Pavilion commences !

The construction of the “Garden of Life” Pavilion commences – the contract of the excavation and foundation works for the Hungarian pavilion of Expo Milano 2015 has been signed.

On 17 September 2014 in Milan, Hungarian Commissioner for the Expo Géza Szőcs, along with Zoltán Fórizs, Managing Director of Carpathia Ltd, the company in charge of implementation of the pavilion, as well as Cristian Vitali, CEO of the winning Vitali S.p.A signed the excavation and foundation works contract. The Hungarian pavilion, christened the Garden of Life pavilion will be an intelligent and interactive building, welcoming visitors with a host of Hungarian innovations.

At 11:00 on 11 August 2014, Carpathia National Creative Economic Development and Innovation Ltd. launched a public tender for the excavation and foundation works of the Expo Milano 2015 Hungarian Pavilion in accordance with §122A of the Public Tenders Act.

The winner of the tender, the Italian owned Vitali Group is Italy’s leading construction company, with decades of experience in other European countries as well.

The first step of the construction will commence on EXPO Plot S28 after the signing of the contract,
with a predicted completion of early October 2014.

The protection of the natural surroundings already receives special attention during the foundation
works, with the excavated earth being deposited in Milan until autumn 2015, when, during the
compulsory restoration of the plot, the same earth will be placed back once the pavilion is transported to Hungary.

Hungary places special emphasis on the environmentally friendly construction of the pavilion: most of the materials used in its construction will be reused in Szombathely, and any waste generated during the 2015 deconstruction will be recycled in the construction industry.

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