dimanche 31 août 2014
samedi 30 août 2014
ExpoExpress, the Exhibition Train for Expo Milano 2015, Sets Off from Venice
This morning in Venice, saw the inauguration of ExpoExpress, the exhibition train which is traveling through Italy from August 30 to December 12 and stopping in 12 Italian cities, promoting the Universal Exposition and offering the public a range of open meetings, events, laboratories, castings and cooking shows.
It was presented by the chief executives of the FS Italiane Group, Michele Mario Elia, of Expo 2015, Giuseppe Sala and of the Mondadori Group, Ernesto Mauri, and with a speech made by the actress Ornella Muti, Ambassador of Expo Milano 2015 and WE - Women for Expo.
After a symbolic ribbon-cutting ceremony, guests visited the three ExpoExpress carriages - called Live Expo, Food Expo and Casa Expo - which will each be dedicated to educational activities and entertainment, with free admission to the public and sponsored by Donna Moderna, Grazia, TuStyle, Starbene and Sale&Pepe.
Inside Casa Expo, there will also be an exhibition dedicated to the interactive story of Expo Milano 2015 focused on the theme Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life . Casa Expo will host the Expo Milano 2015 Ambassadors and WE-Women for Expo, the Universal Exposition project created in partnership with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Fondazione Arnoldo e Alberto Mondadori.
The ExpoExpress route that starts from Saint Lucia station in Venice during the 71st Venice International Film Festival, will continue to 11 other cities: Verona, Padua, Milano Centrale, Genoa, Trieste, Rome, Turin, Bologna, Florence, Pisa Centrale, Milano Porta Garibaldi and Naples.
vendredi 29 août 2014
History - Expo 1904 Saint-Louis - The marvellous Palace of Mexico !
Mexican pavilion at the 1904 Saint Louis World's Fair -
Louisiana Purchase Exposition
The president of Mexico, Porfirio Diaz, farsighted as he is, took great interest in the Exposition from the very inception of the enterprise, and the country set aside a handsome sum to secure a proper representation of their industries and progress at this World's Fair.
The Mexican commissionner, Senor Albino R. Nuncio, ably represented his government.
The mexican industrials nobly responded to the encouragement thus held out to them, they participated
largely, and a highly creditable and partly even brilliant exhibibition was the result.
The pavilion of the Mexican Goverment occupied a place between the British Building and the French Trianon, and was a hospitable spot, not only for mexicans, but for the people of many nations.
jeudi 28 août 2014
Family farming, feeding the world, preserve the planet...
This video of two minutes on the theme of World Food Day 2014 illustrates the vital role of family farming in food production and protection of our natural resources.
Libellés :
feeding the world,
World Food Day 2014,
Swatch Expo 2015 Milano...
Limited to 2015 pieces !!!
A Swatch particular ? Still unknown !
GM170E is the reference clock celebratativo EXPO MILANO 2015.
A Swatch particular ? Still unknown !
GM170E is the reference clock celebratativo EXPO MILANO 2015.
From 1851 to 2015, Italy in World Expos...
Monday, 15 September 2014, 18:30
Lucia Masina
Paolo Dalla Sega
Moderator : Carlo Durante
Teatrino di via Cino del Duca, 8
London, 1851, Milano 2015 These are the dates that circumscribe the story along almost two centuries, the Universal Exhibitions.
These major events have always been able to inspire a sense of wonder in visitors, thanks to the futuristic inventions and machinery displayed in the halls, entering in fact, on tiptoe, in the antechamber of the next era.
Italy has always been present in these important international meetings, bringing on the global spread the fruits of that creativity, that the world has always recognized.
But what it really means to host an Expo? What is the history of the Italian participation?
What legacies in the arts, urban planning, economic and, perhaps more importantly, as the visitor's personal legacy, in terms of momentum toward the future and the national sentiment?
A few months after the beginning of Expo 2015, we ask ourselves, in the third round of the Bracco Foundation meets on the history of Italian pavilions and the impacts that major events have on communities.
We spoke with Lucia Masina, a professor in the History of Art of the Academy of Fine Arts of L'Aquila, and Paul Dalla Sega, lecturer in Urban Enhancement and major events all 'Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan.
1851 - 2015 L'Italia in mostra nelle Esposizioni Universali
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Expo 2015 Milano,
Lucia Masina
A good way to follow Monaco pavilion... Instagram !
MonacoInterExpo MIE was founded in 1997 to represent the Principality of Monaco in World Expositions.
Now, working on Milan Expo 2015, "Feeding the Planet".
Now, working on Milan Expo 2015, "Feeding the Planet".
mercredi 27 août 2014
History - Pavilion of Monaco at Expo 1878 Paris
The Monaco pavilion, by Albert Robida, 1878. |
Nothing more charming than this pavilion: it brought great credit to Mr. Ernest Janty, a young architect of great merit, which has demonstrated an understanding of the design, rather rare in our modern builders.
It is a corner of Eden Monaco transported in full Champ-de-Mars, which lacks only the blue of the Mediterranean to make the illusion complete.
Under the palm trees of Monte Carlo, swinging their slender plumes amidst agave flowers, aloes and cacti, the crowd presses worldly accustomed to Monaco.
A soft murmur invites us to enter the pavilion is a gushing fountain which sprays will stroking the foliage of a beautiful fan palm.
Here are disposed with perfect taste lovely products as their country of origin.
They are an original pottery and gay kind, where the fantasy of the artist knows the mind recall with Hinterland. Then, curiously wrought ivory, witness this beautiful mirror where more than a graceful face was already mired; exquisite mosaics and thousand loveliest objects than each other fancy goods.
Bertall and Monselet are ceramists for the occasion. This one got away with two quatrains that ran all Paris, that one with fantasies where he put all the spirit we know it.
A little further, on shelves, bottles shining in their sides that trap the crystal fragrance of Liguria; God knows what he has poured out on this sunny land! The laboratory Monte Carlo stole the Creator some of his secrets, and, disdaining cheating of contemporary science that draws its essence from coal and less pure origins is the very flower of the orange he took the scent of a cologne, unrivaled in the world.
The rose, verbena, cassie, tuberose, the modest violet herself, and others I forget we had to give their fragrance Monegasque chemists, to the delight of the most beautiful half of humanity .
Then it was the turn of the less beautiful half, who delights to sample liquors Monaco, which are well worth those of Martinique and we have on hand.
But do you tell me, who has created these wonders on the once barren rock of Monte Carlo? Not an echo answers to Monaco by the revered name of Mrs. Mary White, the good fairy who all population must ease and happiness based on work.
La Vie Parisienne, September 14, 1878.
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Pavillon de la Principauté de Monaco - Expo 1878 Paris - Photo Gaston Lucq |
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Expo 1878 Paris,
Expo 2015 Milano,
Space and Infopoint for Tourists and Residents
Inauguration of The Darsena Center, the New Events Space and Infopoint for Tourists and Residents
It’s a place to get information about Expo Milano 2015. The work entailed the redevelopment of the dock and Piazza XXIV Maggio, and is now a place to have fun, attend events and meet new people. The Darsena Center is a two-story structure with a garden that is located in Viale Gorizia (in front of Viale Gorizia 22) located on the building site of the dock.The center will contain a variety of offerings.
The space was opened this morning by the Deputy Mayor and Councilor for Urban Planning, Ada Lucia De Cesaris and the Director of Institutional Affairs of Expo 2015 S.p.A., Roberto Arditti. The Darsena (The Dock) will form part of the heritage of the Universal Exposition: thanks to the project which includes the creation of pedestrian areas and the almost complete pedestrianization of Piazza XXIV Maggio. This ancient port of Milan will once again be a symbol of the city.
A space to learn, have fun and meet others
There are many services available to visitors at the Darsena Center. The area has OpenWi-fi, a free high-speed connection to surf the internet. On the ground floor there is a water dispenser for still and sparkling water along with two screens projecting videos dedicated to the themes of the Universal Exposition and the redevelopment work going on in the area.
In addition, maps will be distributed by the Department of City Planning in view of Expo Milano 2015. The maps are a useful guide for tourists and sightseeing and are inspired by the itinerary "Milano Romana" the (re) discovery of the ancient city from Via San Giovanni sul Muro to San Lorenzo and includes suggested paths highlighting cultural, tourist, historical, landscapes and the environment through thirty farms of the agricultural district of Milan.
Every afternoon, from 3:30-6:30PM, the Darsena Center, will be offer organized activities for children who will enjoy coloring the drawings of the mascot Foody and for older children there is the chance to compete in the board game of Expo Milano 2015.
Starting in September there will also be the energy helpdesk from the environmental policies sector of the Municipality of Milan in collaboration with Amat: where information and support to citizens will be provided on the proper maintenance of heating systems and energy efficiency.
What's Milan Darsena ?
The redevelopment of the City’s harbor, La Darsena, will be one of the Expo Milano 2015 projects to leave a legacy to Milan and Lombardy. Its reconstruction will restore to the City its harbor and an historical, symbolic site in Milan. The project, developed by architects Edoardo Guazzoni, Paolo Rizzatto, Sandro Rossi and Studio Bodin&Associés, foresees the restyling of the ancient port and the redefinition of adjacent spaces, with an investment of approximately 19 million euro. The operation consists of renovating the banks of the La Darsena, with new pedestrian areas and a new waterfront for tourist boat trips, and the redevelopment of Piazza XXIV Maggio, which will be almost completely pedestrianized and planted with green areas. New tree-lined walks are planned parallel on both sides of the dock, while on the western edge of the basin a garden will be developed that leads down to the water’s edge.
It’s a place to get information about Expo Milano 2015. The work entailed the redevelopment of the dock and Piazza XXIV Maggio, and is now a place to have fun, attend events and meet new people. The Darsena Center is a two-story structure with a garden that is located in Viale Gorizia (in front of Viale Gorizia 22) located on the building site of the dock.The center will contain a variety of offerings.
The space was opened this morning by the Deputy Mayor and Councilor for Urban Planning, Ada Lucia De Cesaris and the Director of Institutional Affairs of Expo 2015 S.p.A., Roberto Arditti. The Darsena (The Dock) will form part of the heritage of the Universal Exposition: thanks to the project which includes the creation of pedestrian areas and the almost complete pedestrianization of Piazza XXIV Maggio. This ancient port of Milan will once again be a symbol of the city.
A space to learn, have fun and meet others
There are many services available to visitors at the Darsena Center. The area has OpenWi-fi, a free high-speed connection to surf the internet. On the ground floor there is a water dispenser for still and sparkling water along with two screens projecting videos dedicated to the themes of the Universal Exposition and the redevelopment work going on in the area.
In addition, maps will be distributed by the Department of City Planning in view of Expo Milano 2015. The maps are a useful guide for tourists and sightseeing and are inspired by the itinerary "Milano Romana" the (re) discovery of the ancient city from Via San Giovanni sul Muro to San Lorenzo and includes suggested paths highlighting cultural, tourist, historical, landscapes and the environment through thirty farms of the agricultural district of Milan.
Every afternoon, from 3:30-6:30PM, the Darsena Center, will be offer organized activities for children who will enjoy coloring the drawings of the mascot Foody and for older children there is the chance to compete in the board game of Expo Milano 2015.
Starting in September there will also be the energy helpdesk from the environmental policies sector of the Municipality of Milan in collaboration with Amat: where information and support to citizens will be provided on the proper maintenance of heating systems and energy efficiency.
What's Milan Darsena ?
The redevelopment of the City’s harbor, La Darsena, will be one of the Expo Milano 2015 projects to leave a legacy to Milan and Lombardy. Its reconstruction will restore to the City its harbor and an historical, symbolic site in Milan. The project, developed by architects Edoardo Guazzoni, Paolo Rizzatto, Sandro Rossi and Studio Bodin&Associés, foresees the restyling of the ancient port and the redefinition of adjacent spaces, with an investment of approximately 19 million euro. The operation consists of renovating the banks of the La Darsena, with new pedestrian areas and a new waterfront for tourist boat trips, and the redevelopment of Piazza XXIV Maggio, which will be almost completely pedestrianized and planted with green areas. New tree-lined walks are planned parallel on both sides of the dock, while on the western edge of the basin a garden will be developed that leads down to the water’s edge.
More about Milan Darsena
Italy pavilion... at Expo 1925 Grenoble - France
Exposition internationale de la Houille Blanche et du Tourisme de 1925, à Grenoble.
This is a rather special exposition with a specific theme: International Exhibition of hydroelectric power and tourism
The involvement of foreign powers in the Exposition of 1925 in Grenoble has led either by the construction of palaces and private houses or in significant improvements in the special grand palace dedicated to them by the Commissioner General. In both cases, they have made a considerable effort, taking into account especially the general difficulties which have delayed decisions.
The Pavilion of Italy :
The Italian section consists of the following exposures:
Designated in the catalog, electricity companies submit photographs and plans of the larger installations, as well as maps and profiles illustrating the importance of their services.
Grand Pavilion :
The pavilion, which covers an area of 750sqm, consists of a central body that houses the exhibitors the Ministry of Public Works and Electric Associations, and two wings; one on the right, looking at the front of the building, where all the companies that produce energy, have combined their facilities; the left, where the hydraulic and electrical equipment for power stations and lines.
Opposite the entrance is a map of Italy, on the scale of 1/500 000th, with light indication of power plants into service from 1895 until 1925.
Tourism and Railways of State:
The pavilion of Tourism occupies a space of 400sqm which is divided into three parts: a wing to the right of the main entrance, another left, completely surrounded by the outer walls of the pavilion, and, finally, a central wing.
The Information Office of the Exhibition of Ente Nazionale Industrie Turistiche (ENIT) and Railways of the state, completely occupy the right wing, while the left wing meets the Exhibition of various tourism organizations Italian. In the pavilion include ink ENIT and Railways.
Next to the stand of "Caves Postumia" and "Touring Club Italiano", in the central wing are shown the hospitality organizations and others related to tourism in general.
Quite beside the main entrance is a Information desk where staff ENIT is responsible for the distribution of publications launched by the Ente Nazionale Industrie Turistiche same. The staff also provides more information about tourism, media, places of residence, the climatic stations; and information regarding the various exhibitors.
In the center stand and the one in front of the entrance, are placed, in addition to all the propaganda of ENIT - closets, pictures, tables, etc., which mimic the natural and artistic beauties of the Italy.
Source: Official Guide Books Grenoble 1925
This is a rather special exposition with a specific theme: International Exhibition of hydroelectric power and tourism
The involvement of foreign powers in the Exposition of 1925 in Grenoble has led either by the construction of palaces and private houses or in significant improvements in the special grand palace dedicated to them by the Commissioner General. In both cases, they have made a considerable effort, taking into account especially the general difficulties which have delayed decisions.
The Pavilion of Italy :
The Italian section consists of the following exposures:
- A large pavilion on the central plaza of the exposition, on the left, in front of the illuminated fountains;
- In the same location, a large pavilion at right of the fountains;
- In the pavilion material Railway, an exhibition of the equipment used for the electrification of railways;
- A hydraulic turbine of 15,000 HP, installed in a special pavilion, erected between the Palace of Foreign Exhibition and the French Exhibition of white Coal;
- Various columns of reinforced concrete distributed in several places of the Exhibition.
Designated in the catalog, electricity companies submit photographs and plans of the larger installations, as well as maps and profiles illustrating the importance of their services.
Grand Pavilion :
The pavilion, which covers an area of 750sqm, consists of a central body that houses the exhibitors the Ministry of Public Works and Electric Associations, and two wings; one on the right, looking at the front of the building, where all the companies that produce energy, have combined their facilities; the left, where the hydraulic and electrical equipment for power stations and lines.
Opposite the entrance is a map of Italy, on the scale of 1/500 000th, with light indication of power plants into service from 1895 until 1925.
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Location of the greater Italy Pavilion in Expo 1925 Grenoble. |
Tourism and Railways of State:
The pavilion of Tourism occupies a space of 400sqm which is divided into three parts: a wing to the right of the main entrance, another left, completely surrounded by the outer walls of the pavilion, and, finally, a central wing.
The Information Office of the Exhibition of Ente Nazionale Industrie Turistiche (ENIT) and Railways of the state, completely occupy the right wing, while the left wing meets the Exhibition of various tourism organizations Italian. In the pavilion include ink ENIT and Railways.
Next to the stand of "Caves Postumia" and "Touring Club Italiano", in the central wing are shown the hospitality organizations and others related to tourism in general.
Quite beside the main entrance is a Information desk where staff ENIT is responsible for the distribution of publications launched by the Ente Nazionale Industrie Turistiche same. The staff also provides more information about tourism, media, places of residence, the climatic stations; and information regarding the various exhibitors.
In the center stand and the one in front of the entrance, are placed, in addition to all the propaganda of ENIT - closets, pictures, tables, etc., which mimic the natural and artistic beauties of the Italy.
Source: Official Guide Books Grenoble 1925
Libellés :
Expo 1925 Grenoble,
Italian pavilion,
lundi 25 août 2014
The Bridge Connecting the Milan Fair with the Expo Site...
The first section of the connecting walkway between the site of Expo Milano 2015 and the Milan Fair was completed last night. Since this morning, a pedestrian bridge, measuring 60 meters and weighing about 250 tons, stretches over three railway lines at the station of Rho-Fiera: the Milan-Varese, the Milan-Novara and the high-speed Turin-Milan line.
With a total of about 500 meters of pedestrian Expo-Fair walkway will provide access at the West of the exhibition site: over 30% of visitors will arrive by train from the Rho-Fiera railway station.
Operations started around 23:00 on Saturday August 23 and ended at 05:00 this morning, Sunday, August 24, in order to allow the regular activities of trains. 15 workers were involved, two mobile cranes and two aerial platforms.
In the next few weeks, two adjacent sections of the walkway will be assembled.
jeudi 21 août 2014
Cluster Fruits and Legumes... for health !!!
The Fruits and Legumes Cluster contains fruit plants of varying sizes that give off their aroma, inviting visitors in to discover the legends, history and origins that surround them. Visitors can move freely around the paths that divide the different countries and the fruits that grow in them. Through the use of real plants and light and shade effects, visitors will have the opportunity to experience how it might feel to walk through a real cultivated forest environment.
Cluster card
EXHIBITION CONTENT: Università Vita Salute S. Raffaele, Italy
CONCEPT AND EXHIBITION LAYOUT: Matteo Vercelloni, Massimo Ferrari
CONTRIBUTORS: Stefano De Feudis, Stefano Sala, Claudia Tinazzi
TOTAL AREA: 3.705 sqm
COMMON AREA: 2.515 sqm
EVENTS AREA: 536 sqm
Cluster structure
The Fruits and Legumes Cluster contains areas cultivated with different varieties of fruit plants. Surrounding the main central square of this Cluster, the visitor is able to participate in and enjoy the events, which are inspired by the shapes, scents and colors of the large variety of fruits and legumes on offer.
Above the square, a wooden roof canopy covers the entire area and connects the pavilions. Around the exit, visitors will have the opportunity to walk around the market and perhaps purchase some of the tasty fruits and legumes that are on display. The market links this Cluster to the Spices Cluster, offering the visitor a natural path between the two, leading them nicely through to their next experience.
Essential to our diet
Fruits and legumes have been consumed for centuries and as a result have become the symbols of myths, legends and traditions in many cultures around the world. The story of fruit cultivation began in the Mediterranean region, mainly due to it having the best climate to grow and cultivate fruits. The Egyptians, Greeks and Romans were already aware of many varieties of fruit. However, it was only from the medieval period that an improvement in fruit cultivation really took hold and immigrants started bringing fruit and legumes to the American continents, resulting in the spread of fruit cultivation and a rapid growth in the trade of these foods.
Apart from soya and beans that were found in Central and Southern Asia and in Central America respectively, most legumes were grown and cultivated in the Mesopotamia and Mediterranean areas, again due to the climate that suits cultivation. Legumes represent the main food source in many emerging countries, due to their fundamental qualities that ensure food security. Legumes are an extremely important part of the food chain and due to their vitamin and mineral content may be used as a substitute for cereals in the agricultural rotation system, which helps prevent land depletion. Due to the high calorific content, legumes play a vital role in reducing poverty conditions within agricultural communities and generally improve health and nutrition across the world.
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Cluster card
EXHIBITION CONTENT: Università Vita Salute S. Raffaele, Italy
CONCEPT AND EXHIBITION LAYOUT: Matteo Vercelloni, Massimo Ferrari
CONTRIBUTORS: Stefano De Feudis, Stefano Sala, Claudia Tinazzi
TOTAL AREA: 3.705 sqm
COMMON AREA: 2.515 sqm
EVENTS AREA: 536 sqm
Cluster structure
The Fruits and Legumes Cluster contains areas cultivated with different varieties of fruit plants. Surrounding the main central square of this Cluster, the visitor is able to participate in and enjoy the events, which are inspired by the shapes, scents and colors of the large variety of fruits and legumes on offer.
Above the square, a wooden roof canopy covers the entire area and connects the pavilions. Around the exit, visitors will have the opportunity to walk around the market and perhaps purchase some of the tasty fruits and legumes that are on display. The market links this Cluster to the Spices Cluster, offering the visitor a natural path between the two, leading them nicely through to their next experience.
Essential to our diet
Fruits and legumes have been consumed for centuries and as a result have become the symbols of myths, legends and traditions in many cultures around the world. The story of fruit cultivation began in the Mediterranean region, mainly due to it having the best climate to grow and cultivate fruits. The Egyptians, Greeks and Romans were already aware of many varieties of fruit. However, it was only from the medieval period that an improvement in fruit cultivation really took hold and immigrants started bringing fruit and legumes to the American continents, resulting in the spread of fruit cultivation and a rapid growth in the trade of these foods.
Apart from soya and beans that were found in Central and Southern Asia and in Central America respectively, most legumes were grown and cultivated in the Mesopotamia and Mediterranean areas, again due to the climate that suits cultivation. Legumes represent the main food source in many emerging countries, due to their fundamental qualities that ensure food security. Legumes are an extremely important part of the food chain and due to their vitamin and mineral content may be used as a substitute for cereals in the agricultural rotation system, which helps prevent land depletion. Due to the high calorific content, legumes play a vital role in reducing poverty conditions within agricultural communities and generally improve health and nutrition across the world.
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Libellés :
Cluster Fruits and Legumes,
Expo 2015 Milano,
Rep of Congo,
The Expo Milano 2015 Info Point Beach Tour Continues: Ready for the Second Weekend
Italy - - multiple cities / 22 August - 24 August 08:00 PM
It was a positive start for the Expo Milano 2015 Info Point, on tour since last weekend at Italy’s key seaside resorts. After Rimini and Ostia (on August 14 and 15), Riccione and Fregene (August 16 and 17), the Universal Exposition trucks will be in Emilia Romagna and Lazio from August 22 to 24: the next stops will be at Riccione, Milano Marittima, Cesenatico, Terracina, Sabaudia and Sperlonga.
Despite the wind and rain, the first weekend of the tour enjoyed a good turnout among citizens and tourists, drawn by the team of entertainers in selfies and quizzes to know more about next year’s Universal Exposition in Milan.
Those showing the most interest were between 35 and 45. Overall, the biggest attraction were the thematic routes being developed for the upcoming Universal Exposition: sustainable food, development of new technologies that bring improvements to the quality of life in the poorest countries, and nutritional education across various cultures around the Planet.

Despite the wind and rain, the first weekend of the tour enjoyed a good turnout among citizens and tourists, drawn by the team of entertainers in selfies and quizzes to know more about next year’s Universal Exposition in Milan.
Those showing the most interest were between 35 and 45. Overall, the biggest attraction were the thematic routes being developed for the upcoming Universal Exposition: sustainable food, development of new technologies that bring improvements to the quality of life in the poorest countries, and nutritional education across various cultures around the Planet.
Libellés :
Expo 2015 Milano,
Info Point Beach Tour
mercredi 20 août 2014
Volunteers Program... on YouTube
Enter the real social network of the year.
Become a volunteer at Expo Milano 2015. You can do so much for Expo. Expo can do so much for you.
lundi 18 août 2014
The Canal and the Lake Arena
The Canal
Imagined as an island, the Site is surrounded by a canal that introduces one of the primary constituent factors of this "extraordinary landscape": water. This element is symbolically linked to the theme of Expo 2015 and to Milan, with its canals, and also makes it possible to irrigate the green areas and control the local microclimate.
The Canal will have a total length of 4.5 km and an average width of 4.5 metres, covering a total surface area of approximately 90,000 square metres. The Canal will range in depth from 30 to 70 cm. The channel will be made of reinforced concrete faced in light-coloured cobblestones.
Water is supplied to the Canal directly from the existing Villoresi Canal, which crosses the area north of Milan and will flow into a new channel feeding directly into the Milan city dock (Darsena) in the heart of the city. The redevelopment of these waterways is part of the larger Waterways Project: a complex landscape and environmental enhancement project for the open areas to the west of the city, the city canals (Navigli) and the irrigation network. The result will be 125 km of bicycle and foot paths along the canals, which will be redeveloped and made available for use by the public.
Water will also be a technical element on the Expo Site with engineered wetlands to purify rainwater and runoff and supply it for irrigation to the local farmlands and its use to create a varied range of microclimates to ensure all visitors will find "weather to suit their clothes".
Lake Arena
At roughly 90 metres in diameter (almost 100 if the four surrounding rings of tiers are included), Lake Arena is the largest open-air visitor facility at Expo Milano 2015. It is surrounded by a piazza measuring roughly 28,000 square metres, accommodating up to 20,000 visitors, with some 100 trees arranged concentrically in three rows.
The pool is 70 cm in depth and fed by the perimeter canal. Its bed will be lined with dark cobbles to help create a mirror effect.
A system of waterworks, audio and lights at the centre of the pool will delight the eyes and ears of the visitors.
Photos of Works (august 2014)
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Expo 2015 Milano,
mercredi 13 août 2014
S.PELLEGRINO - Official Water Partner
San Pellegrino, Leader in Italy
San Pellegrino is part of the San Pellegrino Group, Italy’s leading beverage company, with mineral waters, non-alcoholic aperitifs, soft drinks and iced teas. Its products are the synthesis of well-being, health and balance, and are present in more than 138 countries through subsidiaries and distributors covering five continents.
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Expo 2015 Milano,
mardi 12 août 2014
Official handout of the Lot for the construction of the pavilion of Angola in Expo Milan 2015
On July 24 this year, the Commission of Angola for the Expo officially received from the Organization of Expo, the Lot N07 – Lot of Angola with completed infrastructure.
This is an important achievement for the Pavilion of Angola, since from now on the construction of the Pavilion will start.
Angola is among the first 12 countries ready to begin the work of building the pavilion.
This is an important achievement for the Pavilion of Angola, since from now on the construction of the Pavilion will start.
Angola is among the first 12 countries ready to begin the work of building the pavilion.
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