vendredi 13 mars 2015

History : Brazil pavilion at the 1904 St. Louis World's Fair

Crowned with an immense dome, rising 132 feet above the ground, is the magnificent structure which has been erected at the World's Fair by the Government of Brazil. The building is flanked on the east and west by flower gardens which have been carefully groomed.

It faces the Belgian and Cuban pavilions on the north and the Nicaraguan building on the east.

Three domes show above the roof line at the top of the second story, the center one of which rises 78 feet. The side domes are flat and are only about 20 feet above the roof. Beneath these side domes are loggias, open to the air.

State apartments occupy the entire lower floor, together with a collection of agricultural products, especially coffee. On the second floor are the offices of the Commission. Above this, breaking through the roof line, is a light well. 42 feet in diameter, which supplies a view of the outside dome.
On the third floor, inside the dome, is a gallery from which visitors may have a view of the functions that take place on the second floor. Above this, another gallery surrounds the dome on the outside, and a view is afforded in all directions. 

Furnishings made from the hardwoods common to the banks of the Amazon supply the spacious rooms, and visitors are treated to delicious cups of coffee produced from the far-famed Brazilian product.
(from the Official Guide to the Louisiana Purchase Exposition)

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